At First Baptist Killen, we desire to teach the next generation about Jesus in a safe and loving environment. Our children’s ministry is for all children birth to 6th grade. We understand the responsibility of caring for the children entrusted to our care. We strive to cultivate a nurturing environment that will care not only for their physical needs but also help even the youngest children know the love of Christ. It is our hope that the detailed information below will help you know what to expect and feel comfortable leaving your children in our care. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Children’s Director, Dorinda Edwards.
Sunday Mornings
The Preschool and Children’s department is on the lower level of our building, directly below the Worship Center, and the exterior entrance is located in the lower parking lot at the east end of our campus. For all Children’s Events, we utilize an electronic check-in system and caregivers will be provided with a security card to be used when picking up your child.
Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM in the children’s area for all children birth-6th grade. Following Sunday School, caregivers can meet our children’s director at the entrance to the Worship Center to pick-up their children for worship.
Nursery Care is available for babies and toddlers birth-age 4. These children will remain in their classes for the duration of the worship service and will be picked up downstairs.
Children age 4-grade 4 are invited to participate in Children’s Church during the sermon. During this time they will hear a Bible lesson and do an activity. Caregivers will pick up children from the gym using their security card.
6:00-7:30 PM in the gym
On Wednesday nights during the school year, our FBK Children’s Ministry utilizes a Bible teaching and discipleship curriculum called AWANA. This program seeks to engage kids with the gospel and build life-long faith in Christ Jesus. Children will learn Bible verses, hear bible teaching, and play games. Check-in and pickup for AWANA takes place in the gym. During the summer, childcare and children’s activities are from 6:00-7:00 PM.
Annual Events
Throughout the year, FBK hosts special events for children and families: Vacation Bible School, Kids Camp, Fall Festival, just to name a few. Explore other upcoming children’s events below to learn more about the many ways your family can get connected at First Baptist Killen.