Are you interested in becoming a member of First Baptist Killen? One of our pastors would count it a privilege to talk more with you about what it means to commit to Christ and his people as a member of this local church. Below you will find a description of why we believe church membership is important as well as our church covenant. Want to know more about church membership? Let us know! You can contact the church office and ask to speak with one of our pastors, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Our belief that being a member of a local church is important includes these three reasons:
Because God expects every Christian to unite with a local body of believers
Because a Christian without a church family is like an orphan
Because God’s Word commands us to be actively committed to one another
Discover Membership
Discover Membership is held on the second Sunday of the month at 9:15 AM in back of the Worship Center in room 2. This class is lead by our pastor, Brother David, and is a time to learn about FBK and ask questions about what it means to commit to membership. To register, complete the form below the teaching videos.
Membership Teaching Videos
In order to better uphold biblical teaching about the importance of church membership, we have provided six video sessions, plus listening guides. If you are interested in joining FBK, you can watch these videos at your convenience and then attend Discover Membership or contact Brother David to follow-up. The average length of each video is 18 minutes. Click the links below each session title. Please download the Listening Guide first, using it to follow along as you watch the video.
Session One: The Importance of the Church: An Overview
Listening Guide | Session One Video
Session Two: The Family of Faith
Listening Guide | Session Two Video
Session Three: The Body of Believers
Listening Guide | Session Three Video
Session Four: The Community of the Committed
Listening Guide | Session Four Video
Session Five: The Kingdom of the King
Listening Guide | Session Five Video
Session Six: Some Overarching Details
Listening Guide | Session Six Video
I want more information about Membership at FBK
Membership Covenant
Having acknowledged Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, publicly confessed Him through baptism, believing the Bible as God's Word for faith and practice, agreeing with our purpose statement, and being led by God's Spirit to unite with this local body of believers, our commitment to God and to this church is to pursue the following biblical standards:
To promote the unity of this church by…
demonstrating love toward other members;
practicing the Golden Rule;
exercising reconciliation and forgiveness as taught in Matthew 18:15-17;
following the spiritual leaders as given by God.
To share the responsibility of this church by…
praying for its growth;
encouraging others to attend;
showing hospitality and kindness to all who come;
communicating ministry opportunities to others.
To serve the ministry of this church by…
using my gifts and talents to serve others;
being trained and equipped to grow in service;
developing a servant's heart;
cultivating relationships with others, including the unchurched.
To support the testimony of this church by…
attending faithfully;
pursuing a growing relationship and godly life in Christ;
giving cheerfully and faithfully as a good steward;
believing the Bible as God's perfect word for faith and practice.