The mission of the Music Ministry at First Baptist Killen is to glorify God in pleasing worship by loving Christ with all we are, living a lifestyle of worship each day, and leading the body of Christ in edifying worship and praise through song.

We seek to choose music that is Christ-centered and theologically sound. In our music, our desire is for everything we sing or play to exalt Christ, encourage one another, and express thanksgiving for the Cross and the hope we have in Jesus.


The choir rehearses during the school year at 6:15-7:15 PM on Wednesdays in the choir room. The Worship Choir is open to any interested participant, no audition required. In addition to helping lead congregational singing, the choir performs special musical programs twice a year at Christmas and on Palm Sunday. During the months of June and July, the choir takes a break and solos and small group ensembles provide the special music during our morning worship. All are welcome to join the choir at any point by attending the Wednesday night rehearsal.


Rehearsals for the orchestra are held in the worship center from 7:30-8:00 PM on Wednesdays. If you play an instrument and are interested in more information about using your musical abilities to lead worship, please contact our Music Director, Daniel Seay, for more information.

Choir & Orchestra Resources

Click the link below for Choir & Orchestra listening tracks.

Daniel Seay,
Music Director

Interested in using your musical abilities to serve the church?