We look forward to meeting you.
We hope this information will help you know what to expect during your visit. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email the church office.
Service Times:
Sunday School — 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship — 10:15 AM
Where to go: When you arrive, reserved guest parking spaces are located near the light poles in the main parking lot. Greeters will be available in the welcome center to assist you in finding a Sunday School class or a seat during worship. If you have children, follow signs in the parking lot to the lower level, at the back of the building, where a greeter will help you check-in your child for Children’s Sunday School or nursery care. For young children, care is available during the Sunday School hour and worship. Children age 4 to 4th grade join their parents during the first part of the service before they are dismissed for Children’s Church.
Attire: Your attire should never make you feel excluded from our congregation! On Sunday mornings, there is a wide range of attire represented. Some people dress up but many people wear jeans. All other gatherings tend to be very casual.
Want more information?
Please fill out the connect form below so we can get to know each other better!
Church Office
530 J.C. Mauldin Highway
Killen, Alabama 35645
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
7:30 AM - Noon