As the month of December approaches, it is tempting to begin making a list of all the things you have to do, all the places you have to be, all the gifts to buy, all the parties to attend (...not to mention buy snacks for), and the list goes on. So in the middle of all that…why would we want to add anything else to our plates? That is a very good question and one worth asking. Celebrating Advent is not intended to add more to our to-do lists, but to help us think about how we are using the weeks leading up to Christmas to Christ-shape our homes and our hearts. The season of Advent has potential to instill habits in our hearts and in our homes that help us look more Christlike while we wait for his return. I am excited that you are taking the time to read this and evaluate how you might celebrate Christ during the month of December. I pray that even the smallest changes that lead you to reflect on Christ’s first coming and look forward to his return will be a blessing and help you experience the true and lasting hope, peace, joy, and love that only comes from the exalted and risen Jesus Christ!
What is Advent?
It is a season that Christians celebrate during the four weeks leading up to Christmas. Advent is a time of anticipation! The word advent means “coming” and during this special season, we look back to Jesus Christ’s first advent as a baby, but we also look forward to his second advent. In fact, that is how the season begins and is the focus for the first two weeks. Jesus is coming back to make all things new. His first coming brought about our redemption from sin, and his second coming will bring about God’s perfect peace that all believers will enjoy for all eternity. Now that is something worth celebrating! The season of Advent is also a time of waiting. Waiting, especially in a broken and sinful world, isn’t always easy. These weeks leading up to Christmas remind us that the way things are today are NOT as they will one day be. Advent is a time to reflect on our own sin––our need for Christ––as well as the reality of sin we all experience in the world around us. As we wait for Christ to return, we wait with hope, peace, and joy––longing for the return of our savior to experience perfect love forever! He came first as a baby but when he returns he will return as the eternal king!
John chapter 1 uses the metaphor of light to describe the first advent of Christ. The Light has come! Even though we currently live in a dark and broken world, John 1:5 reminds us “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Advent has been celebrated by Christians for centuries to look back and to look forward. When teaching on the topic of Advent, Shaphan very clearly summarized the benefit of celebrating Advent by saying, “Advent can help us remember the past with thankfulness, look forward to the future with hopefulness, and live in the present with faithfulness!”
When is Advent?
December 1, 2024: First Sunday of Advent — Hope
December 8, 2024: Second Sunday of Advent — Peace
December 15, 2024: Third Sunday of Advent — Joy
December 22, 2024: Fourth Sunday of Advent — Love
December 25, 2024-January 5, 2025: Christmas Season
(12 Days of Christmas)
January 6, 2025: Epiphany
(Remembers the arrival of the Wise Men)
how can i CELEBRATE Advent?
Hopefully by now, you’ve seen the benefit of incorporating Advent celebrations into the habits of your holiday. So how can you do this? It’s as simple as this: read, pray, sing! Each week we will share a hymn as well as an Old Testament and New Testament scripture reading that reflects the theme of the week. Plan to set aside 10-15 minutes each Sunday in December to worship together with your family or friends. Printed copies of Advent Guides with these scriptures and songs are available for you to pick up in the Welcome Center. A Family Advent Guide is also available for families with young children. This version includes suggested readings from storybook Bibles as well as crafts and activities for each week. It is our prayer that Advent will help you to Christ-shape your home this Christmas!