Bible Reading Resources

Regular Scripture reading is an important aspect of discipleship, and at FBK each year we provide a recommended reading plan to encourage our members to read through the Bible together. There are also many great books, podcasts, and articles that will help you grow in your ability to read, understand, and apply God’s Word.

Bible Reading Plan:

You can download and print a copy of this year’s reading plan by clicking here or pick up a copy in the magazine rack outside the Worship Center.

Audio Bible

ESV Podcasts by Crossway — Listening to Scripture is a great habit to increase your exposure to the full counsel of God’s Word. Several listening plans are available: the Bible in year, a Psalm A Day, Chronological, and more.


A Short Guide to Reading the Bible Better by George H. Guthrie

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin


The Bible Project: Read Scripture Video Series — This website has videos that provide an overview of the structure and main themes of every book in the Bible. These videos are an excellent way to see the big picture of a particular book prior to reading it for yourself.


HEAR Journal by — Do you ever feel like you read your Bible and don’t really know how to connect it to your life? This article presents a simple method for reading, interpreting, and applying Scripture. HEAR stands for Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond. This method helps readers to slow down, meditate on God’s Word, seek understanding, and then apply it to their own lives.